2014(e)ko abenduaren 17(a), asteazkena

Poland DBH2

And yesss!!! this is our first official step towards our new POLISH friends! hope they like our surprise! ;) 

Baii!! urduritasunez beteta baina lehenengo pausu "ofiziala" eman dugu gure Poloniako lagun berriak ezagutzeko! sorpresa iritsiko zaielakoan eta gustatuko zaien esperantzaz...

Ongi izan! 


2014(e)ko abenduaren 3(a), asteazkena

Etwinning DBH2 - our Country.

DBH2-ko ikasleek etwinning proiekturako egindako 2 lana!

DBH1 - English

Ladies and gentlemen. Children of all ages...may I proudly present to you The Real Stars of LABIAGA

DBH1 English students, musicians and video directors are willing to show you their hard work and they hope you'll enjoy the videos!